Monday, September 28, 2009


I am seriously addicted to reading. This month has been filled with more good books. Right now I am reading Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour written by Kate Fox, an anthropologist from England. It is a little too detailed at times but she has a good sense of humor as she gently pokes fun explaining "her people".

Diary of a Provincial Lady written by E.M. Delafield was delightful. Written in the 1930's by Edmee Elizabeth Monica Delafield, she writes a thinly-veiled autobiography about an upper-middle class woman and her family living in a small village in Devon, England. Good thing I was able to find it on Abe books since no library or bookstore carried it. I am looking forward to reading the sequels about her buying a flat in London, spending a holiday in Paris, traveling to America.

The Help was a clever story written about white ladies, their black maids and the horrible double-standards in the 1960's, Mississippi. This is the first novel written by Kathryn Stockett.

And I was completely entertained listening to two audio books this month, Unnatural Death, a Lord Peter Wimsey novel, and Thank You Jeeves, a slap-the-steering wheel comedy read joyfully by Jonathan Cecil.

Tonight, I will start reading Speech-Less: Tales of a White House Survivor written by my friend Matt Latimer. Matt and I worked together for several years and he is one of the best writers I personally know. A former speechwriter for President Bush and Secretary Rumsfield, he writes effortlessly and has a wicked sense of humor. Matt has been making the rounds on all the news shows and has been doing a terrific job. And more importantly, I'm mentioned in his acknowledgements (page 282), which is very exciting.

So many books, so little time.

1 comment:

  1. Books, Books, that ALL you do all day?

    I'm just kidding! You complete me.....
